Front End Web Developer

Formally educated in economics and statistics with a passion for problem solving, my intellectual curiosity led me to pursue a career in web development after graduating college in May 2015. My unique blend of research ability, critical thinking and professional experience has prepared me for the challenges and quick pace of web development.


Chicago Crime Data

This was a group project where we built an app that pulls crime data from the City of Chicago's Data Portal. It then displays that data in the form of a map that shows a marker for each crime and a graph that displays the crimes by type of offense. This app also has functionality for users. We built this app using Node & Express, with Handlebars as our view engine.

Spectacular Travel App

This is a simple travel app built with Sinatra. It has user functionality and saves the countries in the world that the user wants to visit and has visited. It does this through an interactive map that displays information gotten from the World Bank as well as a form to save the user's choices when a country is clicked. The future goal of this app would be to display more information form the World Bank data that would quantify different levels of privilege and standards of living for the clicked country.


I recreated the four person card game Euchre on a single page site. I used Sass for front end CSS as well as JavaScript and jQuery to do the game logic and manipulate the DOM accordingly.